
Showing posts from August, 2024

A reward of £100 for a small task

  First blog entry this year I think  A reward of £100 for a small task.  a reward for one special gifted person {a knowledge of Christian theology may help}   From the account of the final judgement of all mankind told by Jesus the Christ in KJV Matthews Gospel Chapter 25 verses 31 to 46 I maintain     the reward is for the first person to convince me that i am wrong in my reading of Matthew 25:verses 31-46  that's it, a simple task,  I mean if it is not a sin at the final Judgement, how can it be a sin today?   I have been a theologian now for more than 40 years . I am still learning from the books of the Bible, every week my appreciation and understanding of God grows, and I know that I shall not ever fully understand God until I am in the presence of God , so I know that I may be missing something from this final judgement account and am willing to pay £100 of my own money to the one who can open my eyes to see what he/she sees, that eluded me all these years .  I often