Sunday Football -- now apparently tollerated by a FreePresbyterian -

 once forbidden by Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster

but now seems to be tolerated  

or perhaps its not only tolerated but supported

if its played in G.B. 


Does God Differentiate between two of the constituent parts of the U.K.?


Sunday Football in case you are wondering what I am on about 

I will explain shortly why I am highlighting the Sunday matches played and scheduled to be played by the English team Leeds United in the 2022/23 season as they are very relative to the issue of opposition to Sunday football in Northern Ireland  . 


Open Question  

What could you call a bible believing born-again christian, with strident publically demonstrated views on Sabbath observance, who since 1970 has supported a English Soccer team whom he knows plays football in the english league on Sundays, on his Sabbath, who has stood in public protest outside Stormont when the Belfast city Marathon was going to be held on a Sunday, irrespective of his support for this English football team that he knows will in one of his colleagues  view "desecrate Gods Day"


What would you call a person like that ? dont worry I will answer it for you 


You call him a Free Presbyterian 

not just a sitting in the pews free Presbyterian, 

oh no, a Standing in front facing the congregation preaching Free Presbyterian 

A Reverend

A Doctor, (though no offence intended,  i would never go near him with a sore thumb)

A Professor

I would call him a Professor Doctor Reverend Free Presbyterian 



How do I know all this?


 He Proudly shares it on his internet public profile.  

He says he raises "a white flag" 

when it comes to support for local football teams. 

but proudly declares his support for this supposed Sabbath desecrating English football team, and he has done so since 1970 

You can check it out for yourself 

or click on this link





opposition to Sunday football by self-labeled  Christians in Northern Ireland has gone back a long way.  


In fact opposition to Sunday enjoyment in all forms have gone back a long way. 


 As a Child growing up as I did as a catholic in Holywood,County Down  in the 1950s, my Sunday parks locked shut and playground Swings/seesaw/roundabout/slide chained to prevent use both in Ballymenoch Park and high street play ground beside Johnny the jig statue.  

I understand from a friend that a politician in the recent past claimed that only the gates were chained, not the individual swings.  Maybe where they lived but in affluent Holywood, everything was Chained. 

Thankfully common sense was discovered and children today are not subject to such hideous restrictions  

In order that common sense will prevail in respect of Sunday Soccer (Sunday GAA has always been acceptable)  


I wish to highlight what I believe is Hypocrisy in the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster's declared opposition to Sunday soccer in the recorded words of Rev david McIlveen 

Football 1, Religion 1, was the BBC News headline on Sunday  7th September 2008 Sunday Soccer Football match played at the Oval Football ground in East Belfast.

 clicking on that image should take you to the BBC archive so you can read the whole story 

Now should these protesters have been there at all? 

if they believed in God-given restrictions on the Sabbath.  were these protesters normally to be found outside the gates of the Oval every Sunday that an observer might believe that is their place

Could it be in order to protest they have sinned against their own beliefs? Does Exodus 16:29 not prohibit their movements on the sabbath ?

They would probably say that does not apply any more or doesn't apply to them, that is the usual response from self-labeled christians when scriptures do not suit their worldly lifestyles


clicking on the image should take you to biblegateway website to read more






The Lord simply commands us to keep holy the day of rest.
Moreover, the fourth commandment does not state that “the
seventh day of the week is the sabbath.” Rather, it states that
“the seventh day is the sabbath.” In other words, by the term
“the seventh day” the Lord speaks of the day following the
six days of labor, whatever those six days of labour
might be. Therefore, by this clear language, the fourth

commandment was written so as to allow a change of the day
for the observance of the sabbath without in any way violating
the commandment.

there was a consensus that God withdrew his blessing from the 7th day and put it on the 1st day, after they claim Jesus was raised on the 1st day, and I will gladly give the first person who can show me that from the KJV £100 

however if Jesus was raised on the Sunday 1st day, that Jesus got his maths /predictions wrong as Jesus claimed he would rice again AFTER 3 Days.  Counting the Saturday as day 1, after 3 days is Tuesday, counting good Friday as day one, after 3 days is Monday 



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