regarding the Good Friday Agreement

Regarding the Good Friday Agreement, aka The Belfast Agreement 

on the Good Friday Agreement, don't take my word for it 

look at it for yourself . 

it's freely available online at Irish Department of foreign affairs/ the UN /the British Government/ and many other places, in searchable pdf format 

you can search for "majority" & see if its defined 
( I can't see any definition )

you can search for "percent" & see if it is used (I can't find any)

you can search for the symbol " % " and see that it is used twice 60% and 40%. 

But that is not regarding a border poll. Never-the-less it is the only place in the agreement where a majority is quantified.

 in my view that 60/40 is the "spirit" of the agreement as to majority -v- minority in the absence of any other definitions 

please read it yourselves don't heed the spin politicians from here or abroad 


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