Kamala Harris is the homophobic democratic choice to keep a gay out of the oval office

Any gay voting for Kamala Harris is supporting the homophobia that placed her there 

She is not the preferred candidate of Bill Maher, Realtime at HBO.

This is not the 1st time that the democratic party has acted so dishonestly . In 2016 it sold the lemon to its supporters that Hillary Clinton was the preferred candidate to Bernie Sanders . Many sanders supports ended up voting for Trump as a protest. Tens and hundreds turned up for Hillary rallies where's tens of thousands turned up for Bernie rallys. It's reward for that dishonesty was a Trump Presidency. Here's hoping their reward for this dishonesty will be a 2nd Trump Presidency 

She is not the preferred candidate of Bill Maher, Realtime at HBO.  As Bill Maher pointed out on his show you can count the delegates Kamala Harris got in her run for the presidency in 2020 on one hand as long as that hand has no fingers. She got zero delegates. 

bill Maher's choice of candidate in that presidential run got 26 delegates 17% of the popular vote when he dropped out in favour of sleepy Biden.  Little wonder on air Bill Maher said to Pete Buttigieg " I wish you were the candidate " 

The huge question yet unanswered is how has Bill Maher been so right about Trump but so wrong about Kamala Harris 

The gay true candidate Pete Buttigieg is a regular in Fox news , Kamala Harris the fake candidate displays cowardice in not appearing in Fox News 


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